1 december 2011

Många hundar blev det...

6 kommentarer:

betsy best-spadaro sa...

Hooray! I love seeing all your worked compiled in this way. It has been so much fun seeing the results of this process. Thank you!

Maria sa...

Kul att se dem alla samlade!

HELENA TROVAJ (fd Öhman) sa...

Men gud vad fint! Som ett stort härligt lapptäcke:)

Deborah Velásquez sa...

Awesome Elin. It looks beautiful, so glad you tried it. Photoshop would have been a nightmare for me!

Out of all the dogs the monotype is my favorite! I know you think it looks like a skeleton. Your work is so lovely.

What would I need to do to put google translate on my blog? You can e mail me if you would like at velasquezstudio@aol.com
Have a great day!

Deborah Velásquez sa...

I forgot to leave this link. An artist I thought you might like.

Elin sa...

Thank you so much for your nice comments! (och samma sak på svenska förstås!)


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