En liten snögubbe gjord av akrylmålad skumgummi, med målad mandelnäsa och mössa av en gammal fingervantetopp. Han pryder sin plats utanför julkalenderns tomtehus.
I am not sure where I found you on what blog or where. But I love seeing your work in my inbox regularly. I don't have a clue what your words are but that is the great thing about Art...you don't need words. I will be showcasing you today on my art blog about this very thing. http://art-a-day-keeps-the-crazies-away.blogspot.com/2011/12/art-is-universal-language-showcase.html
2 kommentarer:
I am not sure where I found you on what blog or where. But I love seeing your work in my inbox regularly. I don't have a clue what your words are but that is the great thing about Art...you don't need words. I will be showcasing you today on my art blog about this very thing.
Thank you so much! (And if you want to know what I write about there is a google translate-button in the sidebar on the right side)
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